People Directory

Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Eithne Luibhéid Professor/Director of Undergraduate Studies Gender and Women's Studies Department at University of Arizona Alumni
Arianna Lunow-Luke Student
Salar Mameni Assistant Professor Comparative Ethnic Studies Faculty

 My first book Terracene: A Crude Aesthetics (Duke University Press, 2023), considers the emergence of the Anthropocene as a new geological era in relation to the concurrent declaration of the War on Terror in the early 2000s. Playing on the words “terror” and “terra,” I propose the term...

Beatriz Manz Professor of the Graduate School Comparative Ethnic Studies Emeriti

Human Rights, Latin America, Migrations, Peasantry, Political/Social/Ethnic Conflict, Social movements

Breylan Martin Student
Carmen Martinez-Calderon Lecturer in Education Chicanx Latinx Studies Lecturer
Claudia May Spiritual Director Alumni
Danika Medak-Saltzman Assistant Professor Ethnic Studies Department at University of Colorado Boulder Alumni
Melinda Micco Associate Professor Ethnic Studies Department at Mills College Alumni
Hannah Michell Lecturer Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies Lecturer
Dian Million Associate Professor American Indian Studies Department at University of Washington Alumni
Eulàlia Moles Alumni
Eulàlia Moles Alumni
Marcelo Garzo Montalvo Alumni
David Montejano Professor of the Graduate School Chicanx Latinx Studies Emeriti

Community Studies, Comparative and Historical Sociology, Development, Ethnographic and Historical Methods, Political Sociology, Race and Ethnic Relations, Social Change

Nathaniel Moore Archivist Staff
Cristina Mora Associate Professor, Co-Chair of the Institute of Governmental Studies Sociology Department, Chicanx Latinx Studies Affiliated Faculty

Immigration, Questions of census racial classification, racial politics in the United States

Joseph Morales Chancellor's Advance Postdoctoral Fellow Social Sciences/Humanities/Arts Department at University of California Irvine Alumni
Kenneth Mostern Business Owner Alumni
Carlos Munoz, Jr. Professor Emeritus Chicanx Latinx Studies Emeriti

African Presence in Mexico, Racial/Ethnic Politics, Social and Revolutionary Movements