Associate Professor of Sociology and Chicano/Latino Studies (by courtesy) and the Co-Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley. Her research focuses mainly on questions of census racial classification, immigration, and racial politics in the United States. Her first book, Making Hispanics, was published by the University of Chicago Press and provides the first historical account of the rise of the “Hispanic/Latino” panethnic category in the United States. Mora has received numerous awards for her scholarship, including the “Best Dissertation Award” and “SREM Early Career Award” from American Sociological Association. Her work has also been the subject of various national media segments in venues like the Atlantic, the New Yorker, and NPR. In April of 2020, she helped to oversee the largest survey on Covid-19 and racial disparities in California and published some of the state’s first briefs and academic articles on the subject. She is currently working on her next book, California Color Lines, (w. T. Paschel) which examines contemporary racial attitudes and politics in California.
Her work has been published in venues like the American Sociological Review, Annual Review of Sociology, Social Forces, Social Problems, Latino Studies, and the Du Bois Review
Immigration, Questions of census racial classification, racial politics in the United States