People Directory

Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Gin Pang Leadership Research Director Alumni
Rhacel Parrenas Professor Sociology Department at University of Southern California Dornsife Alumni
Isabelle Pelaud Professor Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University Alumni
Salvador Gutiérrez Peraza Student
Bernadette Perez Assistant Professor Department of History, UC Berkeley Affiliated Faculty
Craig Perez Associate Professor English Department at University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Alumni
Kurt Peters Emeritus Professor Ethnic Studies Department at Oregon State University Alumni
David Pham Student

Asian American Literary and Cultural Studies; Queer of Color Critique; Gender and Sexuality Studies, Women of Color Feminisms; Visual Culture; Theories of Racialized Subjectivity

Minh-Ha Pham Associate Professor History of Art/Visual Studies Department at Pratt Institute Alumni
Eric Pido Associate Professor Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University Alumni
Melanie Z. Plasencia Alumni
John A. Powell Professor of Ethnic Studies, African American Studies, and Law Comparative Ethnic Studies, Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, Democracy, Housing, Poverty, Structural Racism Faculty
Darby Price Communications Instructor Asian American Studies/Communication/Environmental Management Department at Laney College Alumni
Jasbir Puar Professor Women's and Gender Studies Department at Rutgers University Alumni
Laura E. Pérez Professor Chicanx and Latinx Studies & Chair, Latinx Research Center Chicanx Latinx Studies, Decolonial aesthetics, Decolonial spiritualities, Latina/o literary + visual + performance arts, Post-sixties US Women of Color Feminist and Queer Thought Faculty
Pérez is part of the Decolonial Knowledges and Pluriversal University research initiative at the Latinx Research Center, which is placing in dialogue the philosophical thought of hemispheric Latinx
Abraham Ramirez Alumni
Catherine Ramirez Associate Professor Latin American & Latino Studies Department at UC Santa Cruz Alumni
Horacio Roque Ramirez Associate Professor (Deceased) Chicana/o Studies Department at University of California Santa Barbara Alumni
Timothy Randazzo Associate Director of Graduate Teaching and Peer Learning Programs Center for Teaching and Learning Department at Stanford University Alumni
Annette Reed Director Native American Studies Department at Sacramento State University Alumni