People Directory

Name Job title Department Role Research interests
Celia Lacayo Postdoctoral Scholar American Cultures Department at UCLA: Institute of American Cultures in the Sociology Department Alumni
Luíza Bastos Lages Student

Latin America, Visual Culture, Contemporary Art, Cultural-Ethnic Studies, Decolonial Studies, Black Studies, Women of Color Feminisms, Third World Feminisms.

Clement Lai Assistant Professor Asian American Studies Department at CSU Northridge Alumni
Dulcinea Lara Associate Professor Criminal Justice Department at New Mexico State University Alumni
Irene Lara Associate Professor Women's Studies Department at San Diego State University Alumni
Long Le-Khac Assistant Professor Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, Chicanx Latinx Studies Faculty

My research and teaching focus on relational race studies and the literatures of Asian Americans and Latinxs. I follow an expansive idea of the Asian and Latinx United

Alberto Ledesma Graduate Diversity Director Arts and Humanities Department at UC Berkeley Alumni
Cynthia Ledesma Student
Joe Lee Lecturer Lecturer

Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies

Leece Lee Lecturer Women and Gender Studies Department at San Francisco State University Alumni
David Leonard Professor and Chair Department of Critical Culture, Gender, & Race Studies Department at Washington State University Alumni
Ciarra Liles Academic Personnel Analyst HR Analyst A.G.E.S.: African American Studies, Gender & Women's Studies, and Ethnic Studies Staff
Nicole Lim Lecturer Native American Studies Lecturer
Enrique Lima Continuing Lecturer Native American Studies Lecturer

American literature and cultural studies, Latin America, Native American Literature and History, Theory and History of the Novel, Transnational Indigenous Issues

Bao Lo Faculty Ethnic Studies Department at California State University Stanislaus Alumni
Amy Lonetree Associate Professor History Department at University of California Santa Cruz Alumni
Alan Pelaez Lopez Alumni
Cesar Lopez Chair and Professor Chicana and Chicano Studies Department at San Diego Mesa College Alumni
Edrik Lopez Assistant Professor English Department at Fairfield University Alumni
Susana Loza Associate Professor Media Culture/Humanities/Arts/Cultural Studies Department at Hampshire College Alumni