Dr. Pablo Gonzalez


Continuing Lecturer


Chicanx Latinx Studies

borderlands anthropology, Chicana/o Studies, criminality and illegality, critical race theory and praxis, decolonial thought and practice, Social movements, the study of the commons, urban anthropology


Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin
M.A., Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin
B.A., Chicano Studies, University of California, Berkeley


512 Social Science Building
UC Berkeley

Please refer to Syllabus


e: aztlan71@berkeley.edu

Bio & Research Interests

I am a first-generation Chicano scholar-activist/anthropologist who studies the political and cultural resonance of social movements.  In particular, the resonance of indigenous social movements on Chicanas/os and “people of color” in the United States.

I teach courses on Chicanx history, culture, ethnography, migration, and criminality. I am the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award at UC Berkeley 2022. I am also the director of the Ethnic Studies Changemaker project. (ssbc.berkeley.edu)

My teaching experience is extensive. I have taught introductory classes in Anthropology and Chicano Studies, as well as undergraduate/graduate topic seminars.  I facilitate talks and workshops on decolonial thought in the United States, Mexico, and Spain.

Courses Taught

Chicana/o Studies 20: Introduction to Chicana/o Culture

Chicana/o Studies 50: Introduction to Chicana/o History

Chicana/o Studies 150b: History of the Southwest

Chicana/o Studies 159: Mexican Immigration

  • Soundcloud podcasts produced by students:



Chicana/o Studies 161: Central America and its Peoples

Chicana/o Studies 174: Chicanos, the Law, and the Criminal Justice System

  • Soundcloud Podcasts produced by students:



Chicana/o Studies 180: Chicana/o Ethnography

Chicana/o Studies 180: Transnational Indigenous Migration

Chicana/o Studies 180: Chicanx Radical Tradition

Chicana/o Studies 180: Zapatismo

Chicana/o Studies 180: Latinx Sound and Social Media

Chicana/o Studies 180: Chicanx and Environmental Justice

  • Soundcloud Podcasts produced by Students:



Ethnic Studies 10AC: History of Race and Ethnicity in the Western United States

Ethnic Studies 101A: Social Science Methods in Ethnic Studies

Ethnic Studies 135: US Immigration

Ethnic Studies 180L: Racial Citizenship and Immigration in the United States

Select publications

Peer Reviewed Bibliography

  • Gonzalez, Pablo; Chávez, Xóchitl C. “Chicano Ethnography.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Latino Studies. Ed. Ilan Stavans. New York: Oxford University Press. oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199913701/obo-9780199913701-0139.xml?rskey=3igL9z&result=5

Anthology Chapter

  • 2016    Gonzalez, Pablo. 2016. “Hecho en Berkeley: A Brief History of Chicana/o Studies at Berkeley High School,” In, “White” Washing American Education: The New Culture Wars in Ethnic Studies: Vol. 1 K-12 Anthologypp 1-6.


Book Review

  • 2020    Gonzalez, Pablo. Review of, Housing the City By the Bay: Tenant Activism, Civil Rights, and Class Politics in San Francisco by John Baranski. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019. In, Journal of American Ethnic History. (Summer 2020)
  • 2020    Book Review, Raza Si, Migra No: Chicano Movement Struggles for Immigrant Rights in San Diego, by Jimmy Patiño. Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, volume 45, number 1 (Spring 2020)
  • 2016    Gonzalez, Pablo. 2016. Review of, More than Shelter: Activism and Community in San Francisco Public Housing, by Amy Howard. University of Minnesota Press. 2014.  City and Society, Fall 2016.

Editor Column

  • 2012    “Ethnic Mexican Migrant Families and Property Ownership: Preliminary Ethnographic Data on the Housing Crisis”, Anthropology News, Vol. 53 Issue 9 December 2012.
  • 2011    “ALLA Crosses the Northern Border: Two Exciting Panels for Montreal”, Anthropology News, Vol. 52 Issue 6 November 2011.
  • 2011    “Una Red en Peces: Transborder Alliances between US Chicanos and Indigenous Communities in Baja California,” Anthropology News, Vol. 52 Issue 3 March 2011.

Newspaper Editorial

Public Work

Awards & Honors

  • UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award, 2022
  • UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Award for Public Service, Community-Engaged Teaching 2019/2020
  • UC Berkeley Chancellors Public Service Fellow 2019/2020
  • UC Berkeley Instructional Improvement Grant
  • UC Berkeley Adobe Fellow, 2018/2019

Multimedia Projects

Public Multimedia Projects:

BLM Mural ART Gallery: https://express.adobe.com/page/Ff8ypziCV0L3w/

Digna Rabia Journal:

Digna Rabia Volume 1 2021
Ethnic Studies Changemaker Project:

More Info

Download Pablo’s CV (as a pdf)