People / Graduate Student Alumni

Graduate Student Alumni

Melanie Z. Plasencia

Race, Ethnicity & Aging, Social Stratification and Inequality, Social Networks, Urban Ethnography


Bio & Research Interests

Melanie Z. Plasencia studies how race, ethnicity, class and gender affect the experiences of historically marginalized older adults in the United States. In her dissertation, Melanie explores the lives of older Latina/o/xs in order to understand how they envision, as well as redefine their well-being post-retirement.


(2022)            Ph.D., Ethnic Studies, University of California-Berkeley

Dissertation: “Con Sueños Que Ya Son Viejos: How Aging Latino Immigrants Confront Inequality in Later Life”

2014               M.A., Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley

2012               B.A., Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University

Recognition: Summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa

Minors: American Studies and Women’s & Gender Studies