Chancellor's Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. (Political Science), University of California, Berkeley
M.A. (Political Science), University of California, San Diego
B.A. (Political Science), University of California, San Diego
- Politics of memory and commemoration in post conflict communities
- Transnationalism and diaspora
- Asia, Asian American histories and communities, and Asian diasporas
- Colonial and postcolonial studies
- Community Studies and Oral History
- Southeast Asia and Southeast American communities
- Youth and second generation issues
- Human rights, human security, and social justice
- Genocide studies
- Wars, empires and refugees
- Education
- Critical Refugee Studies (UC multi-campus)
- Memory Project
- Comparative Asian diaspora
- Southeast Asian American second generation issues
– Introduction to Asian American histories (AAADS 20A)
– Critical issues in Southeast Asian American communities (AAADS 125)
– Southeast Asian migration, US refugee policies and international human rights regime (AAADS 126)
– US-Asia: History and Politics (AAADS 130)
-Diasporic Imaginaries: Narrating war, exile and longing by and in the Southeast Asian diaspora” (AAADS 131)
-Asian Diasporas: Narrating displacement, home, and belonging (AAADS 131)
-Asian Diaspora in Comparative Contexts (AAADS 190)
– Honors Seminar (ES/AAADS/NAS/CS H195)
– Critical Concepts, Theories And Approaches in Social Sciences (ES 203)
– Bodies in Motion:Theories, Concepts, and Issues in Critical Refugee, Diaspora and Transnational Studies (ES 240)
– Critical Pedagogy (ES 375)
- Institute For The Study of Societal Issues Research Grant
- UC MultiCampus Collaborative Grant for Critical Refugee Studies
- Social Sciences Matrix Collaborative Research chGrant
- UCI Humanities Research Institute Fellowship
- Chancellor’s Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship
- MacArthur Fellowship- Social Sciences
- Freeman Foundation Grant
- Luce Foundation Fellowship
- National Science Foundation, Chancellor’s Grant
- Humanities Research Grant
- Abigail Reynolds Hodgen Publication Fund
- Berkeley Chancellor’s Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence
- Chancellor’s Public Scholar
- Distinguished Achievement Award- University of Massachusetts- Boston
- Special Recognition – Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
- Special Recognition- Congresswoman Barbara Lee
- Notable Cambodian Americans: Award for outstanding service and special contribution to the education and advancement of Southeast Asian Americans
- Nominated for the Refugee Honor Roll of the UNHCR
- Special Recognition- Southeast Asian Student Coalition
2019 Recipient – Chancellor’s Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence and Equity
- Critical Refugee Studies Collective
- Global Studies Program
- Center for Southeast Asian Studies
- Institute for European Studies
- Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative
- UCSD Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
- UC Berkeley-UC San Francisco Joint Medical Program/ Berkeley Public Health
- Berkeley Human Rights Center
- Departures: In Introduction to Critical Refugee Studies (UC Press 2022)
- From the Land of Shadows: War, Revolution and the Making of The Cambodian Diaspora, (NYU 2015)
- Southeast Asian Migration: People On the Move in Search of Work, Refuge and Belonging (Sussex Academic Press, November 2015)
Select Articles
- Um, K. “Landscaped Memory Loss, Longing, and Reinvention in the Diasporic Imaginary,” in Patrick Nardin and Soko Phay, Le Paysage Après Coup (Landscaped After/War), Editions Naima, Paris 2022
- Um, K. “The Wounds Of Memory: Poetics, Pain, and Possibilities in Rithy Panh’s Exile and Que la barque se brise ” in Joseph Mai and Leslie Barnes eds. The Cinema of Rithy Panh: Everything Has a Soul, Rutgers, 2021.
- Um K. “Kambodscha: Turbulenzen und Kontinuitäten” in Welt trends: Das außenpolitische Journal, June 2021
- Um, K. “Documenter la douleur des autres:Souvenirs, identités et appartenance dans les imaginaires diasporiques de Teochew », DeFacto, No 23, Paris, November 2020.
- Um, K. “Diasporas and the Politics of Memory and Commemoration,” in Robin Cohen and Carolin Fischer, Handbook on Diasporas Studies, Routledge, August 2018.
- Um, K. “Crossing Borders: Citizenship, Identity and Transnational Activism in the Cambodian Diaspora” in Um and Gaspar Southeast Asian Migration: People On the Move in Search of Work, Refuge and Belonging (Sussex Academic Press, November 2015)
- Um, K. “Genocide”, in Key Words in Asian American Studies, edited by Linda Trinh Vo, K. Scott Wong and Cathy Schlund-Vials (under contract with NYU Press)
- Um, K. “Education in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cambodia: Technology of Dominance, Technology of Liberation” submitted for Equity, Opportunity and Education in postcolonial Southeast Asia, edited by Cynthia Joseph (forthcoming Routledge, Critical Studies in Asian Education Series, 2014)
- Um, K. “Southeast Asian American Health and Mental health”, in Handbook on Asian American Health Edited by Grace Yoo, Mai Nhung Le, Alan Oda, Springer, 2013.
- Um, K. “Exiled Memory: History, Identity and Remembering in the South East Asian Diaspora” in Southeast Asians in the Diaspora, edited by Mimi Nguyen, Fiona Ngo, and Miriam Lam, Positions, 2012.
- Um, K. Wisdom For The Ages, Native Hawaiian Education, NEA, 2011
- Um, K. “Cambodia 2010: Trials, Tribulations and Tribunals”, in Southeast Asian Affairs, Spring 2011.
- “Cambodia 2007: A Decade After the Coup,” Southeast Asian Affairs Spring 2008
- “Diasporic Nationalism and Citizenship,” Refuge, 23:2, 2006
- “Political Remittances: Diasporas In Conflict and Post-conflict Situations” in Hazel Smith and Paul Stares (eds), Diasporas in Conflict: Peace-makers or peace wreckers?Washington DC: United Nations University Press, 2006
- “Refractions of Home: Exile, Memory and Diasporic Longing” in Leakthina Tollier and Timothy Winter Expressions of Cambodia: The Politics of Tradition, Identity and Change (Routledge, 2006)
- “The ‘Vietnam War’: What’s In a Name.” Amerasia, 31:2, 2005, Museum of California, 2005
- “Locating the ‘Vietnam War’: A Critical Re-Examination of US History,” online curriculum, Museum of California, 2005
Watch an interview with Prof. UM on Youtube here.(link is external)