Greg Choy

Job title: 
Continuing Lecturer
Comparative Ethnic Studies
Research interests: 

Asian American literature, Comparative Multiethnic literature, Education pedagogy


AAS R2B: Reading and Composition

AAS 172: Asian American Literature

AAS 177: Re-Mapping Modernity: Asian American Art and Artists

 AAS 181: Chinese American Literature

ES 11AC: Concepts and Theories in Comparative Ethnic Studies

ES 100: Comparative Ethnic American Literature

ES 130: The Making of Multiracial America

ES 150: People of Mixed Race Descent

ES 174: Existential Panic in Ethnic American Literature

ES 175: Literature From Ethnic Movements

ES 176: Against the Grain: Comparative Ethnic Art and Artists

ES 180: Special Topics: Constructions of Space and Place in Ethnic American Literature

ES 375: Critical Pedagogy


2019 Instructional Improvement Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, UC Berkeley.

2018 Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar in Poland: Exploring Contemporary US-Poland Relations

2018 Instructional Improvement Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, UC Berkeley.

2015 Instructional Improvement Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, UC Berkeley.

2014 Instructional Improvement Grant, Office of Teaching and Learning, UC Berkeley.

2010-11: Lecturer Fellows Workshop. UC Berkeley.


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