Christian Paiz

Job title: 
Associate Professor
Comparative Ethnic Studies
Comparative Latino Studies, Historical Methods, Philippine and Filipino American Studies, Social Movement History, United States History

I am a U.S. labor historian with a focus on farmworker movements, inter-racial relations, and history methods.

Research interests: 

My book, The Strikers of Coachella: A Rank-and-File History of the UFW Movement(link is external) (UNC, 2023), recounts the United Farm Worker movement through its farmworker members in California’s Coachella Valley. I draw from Latinx Studies, Asian American Studies, and US labor and social movement history. For recent articles, see “There is more to the recording: Oral histories and grief in the Coachella Valley” (Foundry, 2023)(link is external) and “Essential Only as Labor: Coachella Valley Farm Workers during COVID-19″ (Kalfou, 2021)(link is external).

Media Coverage:

Courses Taught

ES10AC: A history of race & ethnicity in western North America

ES190: Before Trump, there was California: A research seminar on Proposition 187

ES190: The politics and narratives of US social movements since World War II

ES190: The roots of California today: a history of social inequality and discontents, 1970 to present.

ES250: Inter-racial histories of the United States: methods and approaches

ES250: From borderlands to borders: a multi-racial history of the US/MX border

ES250: Relational Latinx Studies: new histories

ES375: Critical pedagogy
