Digna Rabia: A Digital Journal in Chicana/o/x Studies at UC Berkeley

February 24, 2021
Profe Pablo Gonzalez is once again making magic, sharing the first issue of  “Digna Rabia: A Digital Journal in Chicana/o/x Studies Vol. 1 Nu.1 Fall 2020.” This is a compilation of works that his two upper-division courses completed this fall. The gifted Jesus Barraza designed the cover and inside there are links to a gallery of work produced in Prof. Gonzalez’s Chicana/o ethnography class where students created visual ethnographies that included the use of augmented reality. In order to see the augmented reality effect, download the Artivive app on your smartphone. The app is a free and easy-to-use application that allows you to point to the image and see and hear another element of the ethnography. Many are in Spanish. Please take a look at this exciting way of storytelling.
All of us in Ethnic Studies are so proud of the beauty and urgency of the work you and your students are doing Profe!
Digna Rabia: A Digital Journal in Chicana/o/x Studies