May 3, 2023
Our longtime beloved lecturer, the award-winning creative writer Fae Myenne Ng, has announced the publication of her memoir, entitled Orphan Bachelors: On Being a Confession Baby, Chinatown Daughter, Baa-Bai Sister, Caretaker of Exotics, Literary Balloon Peddler, and Grand Historian of Doomed American Family. Out next week from the renowned Grove Press, the book is described this way:
Orphan Bachelors “weaves together the history of one family, lucky to exist and nevertheless doomed; an elegy for brothers estranged and for elders lost; and insights into writing between languages and teaching between generations. It also features Cantonese profanity, snakes that cure fear and opium that conquers sorrow, and a seemingly immortal creep of tortoises. In this powerful remembrance, Fae Myenne Ng gives voice to her valiant ancestors, her bold and ruthless Orphan Bachelors, and her own inner self, howling in Cantonese, impossible to translate but determined to be heard.”
Congratulations, Fae, on this momentous accomplishment! We are so grateful for the many gifts you bring to our classes!