Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones or homes or have been evacuated or otherwise impacted by the fires burning across the Western United States. In Karuk Aboriginal Territory, the Slater/Devil Fires have had devastating impacts, burning over 150,000 acres and 150 homes, killing two people and displacing many Karuk Tribal members. They triggered widespread evacuations and led to very hazardous air quality conditions for multiple days in a row. The Red Salmon Complex has burned over 120,000 acres on the other end of Karuk Territory. Both fire complexes are still active as of this publication. Many KDNR colleagues and other community members have been working day and night to provide on-the-ground support, including distributing food, clothing, supplies and providing shelter to the Happy Camp community and those individuals and families impacted by the fires. For additional timely updates on the status of the fires, contact slaterfirenorth.information@gmail.com and visit the YouTube channel “August Complex Fire 2020.”
Call to Action In solidarity with the affected communities, we are lifting up the Karuk Tribe-Slater Fire Relief fund which supports locally-driven relief efforts to shelter, feed, and rehome those who have lost homes, to provide clean-up supplies, N95 masks, and air purifiers, and to procure and distribute other resources & supplies to support ongoing rebuilding and structure protection activities.
If you are able, please donate and soon! Any amount matters.
- To support KDNR’s long-term fire management efforts, please consider donating to this fundraising platform
- To learn more about the Karuk Tribe’s use of fire to mitigate against catastrophic fires and climate change, examine their contribution to the U.S. Climate Resilience toolkit as well as the Karuk Tribe’s Climate Change Project