Professor Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Since 2014, the American Quarterly journal has been based outside of the (continental) United States and has been edited by a transnational team of scholars based in Hawai‘i and parts of Asia and the Pacific, including Canada, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. The current editorial team is committed to soliciting, reviewing, and editing the best cutting-edge scholarship...
370 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Associate Professor of American Studies, Honors Program Director, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
The Detours project takes seriously the power of form, and the reading practices and publics produced by the genre of the guidebook, which manifest the fantasy of Hawai‘i as an exotic island destination for the consumption of tourists. Detours deliberately perverts the guidebook to produce alternative narratives, tours, itineraries, mappings and images of the islands as...
180 Doe Library, UC Berkeley
Duncan Williams, USC | Speaker Mark Blum, UCB | Discussant Carolyn Chen, UCB Ethnic Studies | Discussant Monday, February 25 | 4:00 – 6:00PM 180 Doe Library, UC Berkeley Campus Duncan Ryūken Williams (University of Southern California) will discuss his new book “American Sutra” about Buddhism and the WWII Japanese American internment. The fact that the vast majority of Japanese Americans...
554 Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley
Toll Room, Alumni House (UC Berkeley)
Dr. Selena Couture, Assistant Professor of Drama, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta
Rhetoric Spring Colloquium: Desmond Jagmohan on Candor and Courage: Ida B. Wells and Fearless Speech
370 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Desmond Jagmohan, Assistant Professor of Politics, Princeton University ...
542 Barrows Hall
Dr. Cynthia Medina
Let’s Talk! Drop-in hours provide easy access to brief, free, informal consultations with a UHS Psychologist. These confidential services can help you access supportive counseling and consultation, gain perspective, and explore resources and options that might help meet your needs. DROP-IN SCHEDULE Fridays, 2-4pm in Barrows 542 •No appointment or paperwork needed •Visits are first come, first serve. Cynthia Medina, PhD Specialty Areas/Interests: •Multicultural/social...
554 Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley
Professor Rhacel Parreñas, USC
ñas, USC Wednesday, February 6, 2019 12:00pm-1:30pm 554 Barrows Hall Labor Regimes of Indenture – A Global Overview of Migrant Domestic Work Across the globe, migrant domestic workers are unfree workers whose legal residency is contingent on their continued employment as a live-in worker with a designated sponsor. This talk examines the politics of their indenture. Providing a macro and...
Mario Savio Steps, UC Berkeley
3335 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
Catherine Ceniza Choy, Professor of Ethnic Studies